Finding the K in K-Means Clustering

A couple of weeks ago, here at The Data Science Lab we showed how Lloyd’s algorithm can be used to cluster points using k-means with a simple python implementation. We also produced interesting visualizations of the Voronoi tessellation induced by the clustering. At the end of the post we hinted at some of the shortcomings of this clustering procedure. The basic k-means is an extremely simple and efficient algorithm. However, it assumes prior knowledge of the data in order to choose the appropriate K. Other disadvantages are the sensitivity of the final clusters to the selection of the initial centroids and the fact that the algorithm can produce empty clusters. In today’s post, and by popular request, we are going to have a look at the first question, namely how to find the appropriate K to use in the k-means clustering procedure.

Meaning and purpose of clustering, and the elbow method

Clustering consist of grouping objects in sets, such that objects within a cluster are as similar as possible, whereas objects from different clusters are as dissimilar as possible. Thus, the optimal clustering is somehow subjective and dependent on the characteristic used for determining similarities, as well as on the level of detail required from the partitions. For the purpose of our clustering experiment we use clusters derived from Gaussian distributions, i.e. globular in nature, and look only at the usual definition of Euclidean distance between points in a two-dimensional space to determine intra- and inter-cluster similarity.

The following measure represents the sum of intra-cluster distances between points in a given cluster C_k containing n_k points:

\displaystyle D_k = \sum_{\mathrm{x}_i \in C_k} \sum_{\mathrm{x}_j \in C_k} ||\mathrm{x}_i - \mathrm{x}_j ||^2 = 2 n_k \sum_{\mathrm{x}_i \in C_k} ||\mathrm{x}_i - \mu_k ||^2.

Adding the normalized intra-cluster sums of squares gives a measure of the compactness of our clustering:

\displaystyle W_k = \sum_{k=1}^K \frac{1}{2n_k} D_k.

This variance quantity W_k is the basis of a naive procedure to determine the optimal number of clusters: the elbow method.DataClustering_ElbowCriterion

If you graph the percentage of variance explained by the clusters against the number of clusters, the first clusters will add much information (explain a lot of variance), but at some point the marginal gain will drop, giving an angle in the graph. The number of clusters are chosen at this point, hence the “elbow criterion”.

But as Wikipedia promptly explains, this “elbow” cannot always be unambiguously identified. In this post we will show a more sophisticated method that provides a statistical procedure to formalize the “elbow” heuristic.

The gap statistic

The gap statistic was developed by Stanford researchers Tibshirani, Walther and Hastie in their 2001 paper. The idea behind their approach was to find a way to standardize the comparison of \log W_k with a null reference distribution of the data, i.e. a distribution with no obvious clustering. Their estimate for the optimal number of clusters K is the value for which \log W_k falls the farthest below this reference curve. This information is contained in the following formula for the gap statistic:

\displaystyle \mathrm{Gap}_n(k) = E_n^*\{\log W_k\} - \log W_k.

The reference datasets are in our case generated by sampling uniformly from the original dataset’s bounding box (see green box in the upper right plot of the figures below). To obtain the estimate E_n^*\{\log W_k\} we compute the average of B copies \log W^*_k for B=10, each of which is generated with a Monte Carlo sample from the reference distribution. Those \log W^*_k from the B Monte Carlo replicates exhibit a standard deviation \mathrm{sd}(k) which, accounting for the simulation error, is turned into the quantity

\displaystyle s_k = \sqrt{1+1/B}\,\mathrm{sd}(k).

Finally, the optimal number of clusters K is the smallest k such that \mathrm{Gap}(k) \geq \mathrm{Gap}(k+1) - s_{k+1}.

A Python implementation of the algorithm

The computation of the gap statistic involves the following steps (see original paper):

  • Cluster the observed data, varying the number of clusters from k = 1, ..., k_{\mathrm{max}}, and compute the corresponding W_k.
  • Generate B reference data sets and cluster each of them with varying number of clusters k = 1, ..., k_{\mathrm{max}}. Compute the estimated gap statistic \mathrm{Gap}(k) = (1/B) \sum_{b=1}^B \log W^*_{kb} - \log W_k.
  • With \bar{w} = (1/B) \sum_b \log W^*_{kb}, compute the standard deviation \mathrm{sd}(k) = [(1/B) \sum_b (\log W^*_{kb} - \bar{w})^2]^{1/2} and define \displaystyle s_k = \sqrt{1+1/B}\,\mathrm{sd}(k).
  • Choose the number of clusters as the smallest k such that \mathrm{Gap}(k) \geq \mathrm{Gap}(k+1) - s_{k+1}.

Our python implementation makes use of the find_centers(X, K) function defined in this post. The quantity W_k is computed as follows:

def Wk(mu, clusters):
    K = len(mu)
    return sum([np.linalg.norm(mu[i]-c)**2/(2*len(c)) \
               for i in range(K) for c in clusters[i]])

The gap statistic is implemented in the following code snapshot. Note that we use B=10 for the reference datasets and we span values of K from 1 to 9.

def bounding_box(X):
    xmin, xmax = min(X,key=lambda a:a[0])[0], max(X,key=lambda a:a[0])[0]
    ymin, ymax = min(X,key=lambda a:a[1])[1], max(X,key=lambda a:a[1])[1]
    return (xmin,xmax), (ymin,ymax)

def gap_statistic(X):
    (xmin,xmax), (ymin,ymax) = bounding_box(X)
    # Dispersion for real distribution
    ks = range(1,10)
    Wks = zeros(len(ks))
    Wkbs = zeros(len(ks))
    sk = zeros(len(ks))
    for indk, k in enumerate(ks):
        mu, clusters = find_centers(X,k)
        Wks[indk] = np.log(Wk(mu, clusters))
        # Create B reference datasets
        B = 10
        BWkbs = zeros(B)
        for i in range(B):
            Xb = []
            for n in range(len(X)):
            Xb = np.array(Xb)
            mu, clusters = find_centers(Xb,k)
            BWkbs[i] = np.log(Wk(mu, clusters))
        Wkbs[indk] = sum(BWkbs)/B
        sk[indk] = np.sqrt(sum((BWkbs-Wkbs[indk])**2)/B)
    sk = sk*np.sqrt(1+1/B)
    return(ks, Wks, Wkbs, sk)

Finding the K

We shall now apply our algorithm to diverse distributions and see how it performs. Using the init_board_gauss(N, k) function defined in our previous post, we produce an ensemble of 200 data points normally distributed around 3 centers and run the gap statistic on them.

X = init_board_gauss(200,3)
ks, logWks, logWkbs, sk = gap_statistic(X)

The following plot gives an idea of what is happening:

The upper left plot shows the target distribution with 3 clusters. On the right is its bounding box and one Monte Carlo sample drawn from a uniform reference distribution within that rectangle. In the middle left we see the plot of W_k that is used to determine K with the elbow method. Indeed a knee-like feature is observed at K=3, however the gap statistic is a better way of formalizing this phenomenon. On the right is the comparison of \log W_k for the original and averaged reference distributions. Finally, the bottom plots show the gap quantity on the left, with a clear peak at the correct K=3 and the criteria for choosing it on the right. The correct K is the smallest for which the quantity plotted in blue bars becomes positive. The optimal number is correctly guessed by the algorithm as K=3.

Let us now have a look at another example with 400 points around 5 clusters:

In this case, the elbow method would not have been conclusive, however the gap statistic correctly shows a peak in the gap at K=5 and the bar plot changes sign at the same correct value.

Similarly, we can study what happens when the data points are clustered around a single centroid:

It is clear in the above figures that the original and the reference distributions in the middle right plot follow the same decay law, so that no abrupt fall-off of the blue curve with respect to the red one is observed at any K. The bar plot shows positive values for the entire K range. We conclude that K=1 is the correct clustering.

Finally, let us have a look at a uniform, non-clustered distribution of 200 points, generated with the init_board(N) function defined in our previous post:

In this case, the algorithm also guesses K=1 correctly, and it is clear from the middle right plot that both the original and the reference distributions follow exactly the same decay law, since they are essentially different samples from the same uniform distribution on [-1,1] x [-1,1]. The gap curve on the bottom left oscillates between local maxima and minima, indicating certain structures within the original distribution originated by statistical fluctuations.

Table-top data experiment take-away message

The estimation of the optimal number of clusters within a set of data points is a very important problem, as most clustering algorithms need that parameter as input in order to group the data. Many methods have been proposed to find the proper K, among which the “elbow” method offers a very clear and naive solution based on intra-cluster variance. The gap statistic, proposed by Tobshirani et al. formalizes this approach and offers an easy-to-implement algorithm that successfully finds the correct K in the case of globular, Gaussian-distributed, mildly disjoint data distributions.

Update: For a proper initialization of the centroids at the start of the k-means algorithm, we implement the improved k-means++ seeding procedure.

Update: For a comparison of this approach with an alternative method for finding the K in k-means clustering, read this article.


  1. Pingback: Finding the K in K-Means Clustering | Data Scie...
  2. Shashwat

    k means is a simple yet powerful tool. I have been using it to classify stocks into groups for statistical arbitrage. The choice of K was largely determined by the fundamental interpretations of the resulting clusters. I have shown a simple application on the usefulness of K means in classification posted on my blog:

    The elbow method that you have discussed here is very interesting. I would definitely attempt your approach to see if it improves the performance of our trading systems. Thanks for the post. Very informative.

    • datasciencelab

      That factor corresponds to the 1/(2*n_k) present in the definition of W_k (see the formula above for W_k); n_k is the number of elements of each cluster, so it can be computed as the length of the array c for every element c in clusters.

      • Tanmay

        Thanks for the response.
        Yes, but does not numpy norm calculates the square-root of sum of square of every pair of points. So that the in the formula you don’t need to muliply 2* len_of_cluster. i.e. it is calculating the first equal of the formula for Dk, not the second one as mentioned.

  3. Tanmay

    Posting this as I feel the previous comment didn’t came out clear enough.

    In the formula for Dk there is a factor of 2*len_of_cluster which is mulitplied to norm. Now as the numpy norm is calculating the same norm. Either we need to multiply 2*len_of_cluster and divide later. Or you can simply ignore the division by the 2*len_of_cluster.

    Please correct my if I am wrong or I understood anything incorrectly.

    • Webber

      I’m totally agree with you, here c is just a single point in a cluster, for 2d point, len(c) is always 2, from the reply of author, he considered c as a cluster, but it isn’t from the source code, i think the right code is
      sum([np.linalg.norm(mu[i]-x)**2 for i in range(K) for x in clusters[i]])

    • Hans Peter Hagblom

      I agree with the previous comments.

      If the “second” version of the inter cluster distances are used where the sum is the squared distance of every observation to the mean * the number of observations * 2. Then this is surely cancelled out when this is inserted into the W_k formula. Correct?

    • Jesse Grillo

      From magazines to website content to social media posts, people need to write great content if they want to attract people. I was riding my bike on Thursday when I heard about this. What’s really great about your website is that it provides really valuable data and is also being entertaining. Not everyone is great at thinking outside of the box and still being detail oriented. Some really excellent info here.

  4. Fanglin

    I ran this algorithm but the resulted K varies each time I ran it. Most of time it will be stable around a reasonable value but it can exceed the max possible K(10) I set. Is it normal? (I used kmeans ++ for initial centroids)

  5. Pingback: Optimal “k” when there’s no cluster? Gap vs Pham Part I | The farrago
  6. Anonymous

    Question about the B parameter, I understand that this determines the size of the Monte Carlo. Is there any reason why more wouldn’t be better here (outside of computation cost)?

  7. Pingback: R&D | MIT Machine Learning for Big Data and Text Processing Class Notes Day 4
  8. Pingback: Finding the K in K-Means Clustering | Data is b...
  9. Pingback: Shooting the Gap Statistic with Map Reduce | Wired Andy Blog
  10. PD

    I did not go through this in detail. A quick question though…out of the four return values [ks, logWks, logWkbs, sk = gap_statistic(X)], which one gives the gap-value (or the optimal K value)?

  11. Pingback: Clustering Scotch Whisky: Grouping Distilleries by k-Means Clustering | Prasant Sudhakaran
  12. devrishik


    Thanks for such a resourceful article.
    I have a confusion I want to clear. I clustered a research paper database with their abstracts, titles, names and authors.
    I used k-means to cluster for word-count purpose. The output is very odd.

    cluster 0: 3530 papers
    cluster 1: 1 papers
    cluster 2: 1 papers
    Within Set Sum of Squared Errors = 2.3246721652594484E7
    I repeated this for k=3 to k=35, but the results were similar.
    Belief: I believe this data is spherically aligned.
    The WSSSE does not change much from 2.15 to 2.32. Elbow method does not work on its graph.
    I did not apply GAP method on it as it was just for project purposes.
    Does it mean what I think or would GAP method will help

  13. Pingback: kmeans聚类要点
  14. Anonymous

    When I feed this function my data as a numpy array, I get this error:
    TypeError: Population must be a sequence or set. For dicts, use list(d).
    what am I doing wrong?

  15. Pingback: Cluster unstructured text with Python – Avid Machine Learning
  16. Marc&Ramona


    I got the same error as “May 9, 2016 – 6:05 pm Anonymous”. When I convert tolist() as suggested I get

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘list’ and ‘list’


  17. Marc&Ramona

    Nope, in the meantime I focused on something else…… probably to do with the installation. Currently I get the error

    File “C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\”, line 311, in sample
    raise TypeError(“Population must be a sequence or set. For dicts, use list(d).”)

    TypeError: Population must be a sequence or set. For dicts, use list(d).

  18. Pingback: Kmeans algorithm implemented in Python | machine learning and statistics
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